
Passive Recon

  • find public API documentations by searching the internet for company_name API or company_name developer docs

  • company_name inurl:swagger, This documentation often includes all API endpoints even the private, their input parameters, and sample responses

  • Google Dorking

    • inurl:"/wp-json/wp/v2/users"

    • intitle:"index.of" intext:"api.txt"

    • inurl:"/api/v1" intext:"index of /"

  • Shodan

    • hostname:"targetname.com"

    • content-type: application/json

    • content-type: application/xml

    • wp-json

  • The Wayback Machine

    • Finding and comparing historical snapshots of API documentation can simplify testing for Improper Assets Management.

    • Test for older Versions ex-> /api/v2/user_emails -> `/api/v1/user_emails

Active Recon

  • search for other API endpoints by using recon techniques from Web_Recon

  • Try Fuzzing techniques for discovering API endpoints and resources, the best for APIs is Kite Runner

    • kiterunner:

kr scan HTTP:// -w ~/api/wordlists/data/kiterunner/routes-large.kite
kr scan https://domain.com/api/ -w routes-large.kite -x 20
kr scan https://domain.com/api/ -A=apiroutes-220828 -x 20
kr brute https://domain.com/api/ -A=raft-large-words -x 20 -d=0
kr brute https://domain.com/api/ -w /tmp/lang-english.txt -x 20 -d=0
  • nmap

    • nmap -sC -sV [target]

    • nmap -p- [target] all ports

    • nmap -sV --script=http-enum [target] -p 80,443,8000,8080

  • amass: amass enum -active/passive -d [target] | grep api

  • Map the the App while intercepting requests

  • try to generate error messages in hopes that the API leaks information about itself

  • understand each API endpoint’s functionality, parameters, and query structure

  • Identify all the possible user data input locations

  • Look out for any authentication mechanisms, including these:

    • Do access tokens expire when updating or resetting passwords?

    • What access tokens are needed?

    • Which endpoints require tokens and which do not?

    • How are access tokens generated?

    • Can users use the API to generate a valid token without logging in?

Last updated

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