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Clickjacking, or user-interface redressing, is an attack that tricks users into clicking a malicious button that has been made to look legitimate. Attackers achieve this by using HTML page-overlay techniques to hide one web page within another. ==Note that clickjacking is rarely considered in scope for bug bounty programs, as it usually involves a lot of user interaction on the victim’s part==
Clickjacking relies on an HTML feature called an iframe
. HTML iframes allow developers to embed one web page within another by placing an <iframe>
tag on the page, and then specifying the URL to frame in the tag’s src attribute.
Iframes useful as it allow you to embed other internet resources, like videos and audio, ex:
Let’s say that
is a banking site that includes a page for transferring your money with a click of a button. You can access the balance transfer page with the URL https://
, This URL accepts two parameters: the recipient account ID and the transfer amount If you visit the URL with these parameters present, such as &amount=AMOUNT_TO_TRANSFER
, the HTML form on the page will appear prefilled
Now imagine that an attacker embeds this sensitive banking page in an iframe
on their own site, like this:
Take a look at the full HTML page example:
so if we set the opacity back to 1, You can see that the Transfer Balance button is located directly on top of the Subscribe to Newsletter button
If the user is logged into the banking site, they’ll be logged into the iframe
too, so the banking site’s server will recognize the requests sent by the iframe
as legit. When the user clicks the seemingly harmless button, they’re executing a balance transfer on
! ==This is a simplified example. In reality, payment applications will not be implemented this way==, because it would violate data security standards
Another thing to remember is that the ==presence of an easy-to-prevent vulnerability on a critical functionality==, like this scenario, is a symptom that the application does not follow the best practices of secure development, This example application is likely to contain other vulnerabilities, and you should test it extensively.
Two conditions must be met for a clickjacking vulnerability to happen:
the vulnerable page has to have functionality that executes a state-changing action on the user’s behalf like (changing the user’s account settings )
the vulnerable page has to allow itself to be framed by an iframe
on another site
pages are frameable by default, but The HTTP response header X-Frame-Options
lets web pages indicate whether the page’s contents can be rendered in an iframe
This header offers two options: DENY
, If a page is served with the DENY
option, it cannot be framed at all. The SAMEORIGIN
option allows framing from pages of the same origin: pages that share the same protocol, host, and port.
the site should serve one of these options on all pages that contain state-changing actions
When the SameSite
flag on a cookie is set to Strict or Lax, that cookie won't be sent in requests made within a third-party iframe
: Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=UEhQU0VTU0lE; Max-Age=86400; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=UEhQU0VTU0lE; Max-Age=86400; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax` this will help to stop the attacks that require the victim to be authenticated
The Content-Security-Policy
response header is another possible defense setting the directive to 'none' will prevent any site from framing the page, whereas setting the directive to 'self' will allow the current site to frame the page: Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'none';
Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self';
Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self' *;
-> will allow the current site, as well as any page on the subdomains of, to frame its contents
check OWASP Cheat Sheet | Clickjacking Defense Cheat Sheet for further info
look for pages on the target site that contain sensitive state-changing actions and can be framed
You should look for pages that allow users to make changes to their accounts, like changing their account details or settings. Otherwise, even if an attacker can hijack user clicks, they can’t cause any damage to the website or the user’s account. For example, you work on a target
handle banking functionalities
Go through all the functionalities of the web application, click all the links, and write down all the state-changing options, along with the URL of the pages like:
example of State-changing requests on
Change password:
Transfer balance:
Unlink external account:
check the actions that can be achieved via clicks alone not keyboard actions for example: if the application requires users to explicitly type the recipient account and transfer amount instead of loading them from a URL parameter, attacking it with clickjacking would not be feasible
Then go through each of the state-changing functionalities you’ve found and See if the page is being served with the X-Frame-Options
or Content-Security-Policy
If the page is served without any of these headers, it may be vulnerable to clickjacking
And if the state-changing action requires users to be logged in when it is executed, you should also check if the site uses SameSite
cookies. If it does, you won’t be able to exploit a clickjacking attack on the site’s features that require authentication
You should try to execute the state-changing action through the framed page you just constructed and see if the action succeeds. If you can trigger the action via clicks alone through the iframe
, the action is vulnerable to clickjacking.
if the website uses frame-busting techniques instead of HTTP response headers and SameSite
cookies: find a loophole in the frame-busting code
so you might be able to bypass the mitigations
[!frame-busting code] is a technique that use JavaScript code to check if the page is in an iframe, and if it’s framed by a trusted site. Frame-busting is an unreliable way to protect against clickjacking and can be bypassed
developers commonly make the mistake of comparing only the top frame to the current frame when trying to detect whether the protected page is framed by a malicious page. If the top frame has the same origin as the framed page they allow it, code ex:
tricksearch for a location on the victim site that allows you to embed custom iframes
like (social media sites allows users to share links on their profile, features to embed videos, audio, images, web page builders)
construct a page that frames the victim’s targeted functionality
Then place the entire page in an iframe
hosted by the victim site
This way, both top.location
and self.location
point to
, The frame-busting code would determine that the innermost page is framed by another page within its domain
Check out this lab from PortsWigger to practice
[!Periscope] is a live streaming video application, and on July 10, 2019, it was found to be vulnerable to a clickjacking vulnerability, You can find the disclosed bug report at
The site was using the X-Frame-Options:ALLOW-FROM
directive to prevent clickjacking but it’s an obsolete directive that isn’t supported by many browsers. This means that all features on the subdomains and were vulnerable to clickjacking if the victim was using a browser that didn’t support the directive, such as the latest Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers, an attacker could for example, frame the settings page and trick users into deactivating their accounts.
Focus on the application’s ==most critical functionalities== to achieve maximum business impact like (bank transfers functionalities)
applications often send or disclose information according to user preferences. If you can change these settings via clickjacking, you can often induce sensitive information disclosures
Let’s say that
contains multiple clickjacking. One of them allows attackers to change an account’s billing email, and another one allows attackers to send an account summary to its billing email. The malicious page’s HTML looks like this:
HTML code example to chain two clickjacking vulns
you might be able to collect data including the street address, phone numbers, and credit card information associated with the account!
Note that for this attack to succeed, the victim user would have to click the attacker’s site twice
Exploit Clickjacking to achieve CSFRF look at CSRF for more info
Often in bug bounty reports, you’ll need to show companies that real attackers could effectively exploit the vulnerability you found. That means you need to understand how attackers can exploit clickjacking bugs in the wild
For the attack to succeed, the attacker would have to construct a site that is convincing enough for users to click check out the Social-Engineer Toolkit(
[!Vickie Li] In my experience, the most effective location in which to place the hidden button is directly on top of a Please Accept That This Site Uses Cookies! pop-up. Users usually click this button to close the window without much thought
Spot the state-changing actions on the website and keep a note of their URL locations. Mark the ones that require only mouse clicks to execute for further testing
Check these pages for the X-Frame-Options, Content-Security-Policy header, and a SameSite session cookie. If you can’t spot these protective features, the page might be vulnerable!
Craft an HTML page that frames the target page, and load that page in a browser to see if the page has been framed
Confirm the vulnerability by executing a simulated clickjacking attack on your own test account
Craft a sneaky way of delivering your payload to end users, and consider the larger impact of the vulnerability
Draft your first clickjacking report!
Once we reset the opacity of the iframe
to opacity:0.00001 to make the sensitive form invisible, the site looks like a normal newsletter page